Now, at long last, you can find out precisely how much of a communist you are according to Matt! Just answer the simple questions below, and you'll know once and for all whether you're a red-blooded, freedom-loving, gun-toting American, or a slimy, Stalin-worshipping, pinko bastard (or somewhere in between).
Curious what this is all about? You're not alone. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions.
1% - 15% ~ You are a decent American. You probably played sports in high school, eat lots of red meat, and watch plenty of TV. Keep it up!
16% - 34% ~ All in all, you’re not bad. Perhaps it’s not your fault; maybe you had a sheltered childhood, or grew up in Oregon or Canada. At any rate, there’s still hope for you.
35% - 69% ~ You’re a liberal who probably majored in sociology, and dabbled in Marxism in college. In all likelihood, you are a closet vegetarian. At this point, it’s probably too late for you to see the error of your ways, so you are a lost cause.
70% - 100% ~ Youch, you’re so communist it hurts! You probably refer to your friends as ‘Comrade’ and favor big furry hats as a fashion statement. There is absolutely no excusing your deplorable lack of American traits, you soulless commie spy!
0% ~ You are Matt