Here, at long last, are the much-anticipated

What is Blackness?

Where is Blackness?

How do I navigate Blackness?

I hear there's a "Level II" somewhere. How do I get to it?

When will Blackness be back so I can try all this?

Are you published?

Why didn't you post the Customer Quote I sent you?

Why didn't you post the Previously Viewed Link I sent you?

Why did it take so long before my submission was posted?

Where do the Random Quotes originate?

How can I send you a Random Quote?

Hey, what about quote X? It doesn't seem to meet either of those criteria.

Who the hell is Matt?

What's the deal with Matt's Communism Test?

What percent communist are you?

Can you please connect me with Apple Tech Support?

Why didn't you answer the question I sent you?

Back to the Foyer

If there's still something you're just dying to know, drop me a line using this spiffy form:

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Updated March 30th, 2006