What is Blackness?
Where is Blackness?
How do I navigate Blackness?
I hear there's a "Level II" somewhere. How do I get
to it?
When will Blackness be back so I can try all this?
Are you published?
Why didn't you post the Customer Quote I sent
Why didn't you post the Previously Viewed Link I
sent you?
Why did it take so long before my submission was
Where do the Random Quotes
How can I send you a Random
Me: "Oh?"
Them: "Yeah, it's blah blah blah!" (hysterical laughter)
Me: "I don't get it."
Them: "So-and-so said it. You know them, right?"
Me: "No."
Them: "Oh. Well, we were with a bunch of people you don't know, at this place you've never been, where there was this thing that you've never seen, and someone said something that was funny, and then later something happened that was funny, and then..." ...which could go on for like, five minutes, and not actually *be* funny.
It did occur to me to go through and remove any of the old quotes that didn't qualify under the new rules, but I couldn't bear to part with some of the real beauties, such as "I am cute! I am Satan's Funion!" which was originally asserted (not in my presence) by the then-toddler of a friend.
Who the hell is Matt?
What's the deal with Matt's Communism
What percent communist are
Can you please connect me with Apple Tech
Why didn't you answer the question I sent you?
If there's still something you're just dying to know, drop me a line using this spiffy form:
A brilliantly sarcastic friend and co-worker of mine.
Okay, this is a somewhat long story. Back in the day (around Halloween of 2000), one of my friends and co-workers had a bowl of candy at her desk. I was picking through it, looking for palatable candies, and happened to mention in passing that I dislike Tootsie Rolls. Upon hearing this, Matt stood up and proclaimed "You don't like Tootsie Rolls? What are you, some kind of communist spy?" Several months later, I learned that Matt had also accused another of our friends of being a communist for the exact same reason. Additionally, she was also a communist in Matt's book because she hadn't seen Strange Brew or The Blues Brothers. This lead to the idea that exactly *how* communist one was could be expressed as a percentage. After months of prodding, I finally got Matt to compile a list of communism criteria, which became Matt's Official Communism Test.
Because no question is stupid until you ask it.